Episode 99 :: Daniel Bowman Jr. :: Stories of Autism, Faith and the Gifts of Neurodiversity


Today on the podcast is author, teacher and creative Daniel Bowman Jr. Dan recently released  his incredible book detailing his story of discovering he is autistic as an adult. On the Spectrum: Autism, Faith & the Gifts of Neurodiversity. gives an inside look at Dan’s struggle as a neurodiverse person living in a neurotypical world, and the constant fight of trying to force his mind and his body to work in a way that it is not wired to. The world often frames people on the spectrum as a problem to be fixed instead of a person to be understood, and in our conversation, as well as his book, Dan shares what this journey has been like for him and also how God has shown him the gifts that his uniqueness offers in his life through the creative arts, how he teaches and more. 

The term “neurodiverse” may not be something you have ever thought about before, and that’s totally OK, but by Dan sharing his story, he presents an opportunity for those who are neurotypical, to consider how the world might work for someone who is neurodiverse. 

In his book he tries to break down ways of understanding what this looks like: This is a bit of a summation mixed with direct quotes from his book. He says: : “there are different kinds of brains, different operating systems that run different people…. A neurotypical brain functions similarly to most other people, even though its diverse in certain aspects which is what makes each person unique. They are similar enough overall that the behaviors, actions and language can mostly be referred to as “normal”. But a neurodiverse brain will result in people on the spectrum functioning in the intellectual, emotional, social and physical realms differently from neurotypical people. Their actions, behaviors, then, should not be seen in light of the absence of neurotypical taints but instead the presence of autistic brain wiring.”

All of us, neurotypical or neurodiverse are perfectly and wonderfully made, on purpose by God, and when we live fully in who we are and who we were created to be we can draw nearer to Him and invite others to do likewise alongside us. I really love Dan’s perspectives on life, and he’s the professor we all want because he loves to teach us not only ways to dive deep in the learning process, but wants to push us to be the best version of ourselves as we learn.

I love this beautiful summation from his book: “The last thing anyone on the spectrum needs is a limited-and limiting- range of images in the public’s awareness about what it means to be autistic. While I celebrate any austic person who has earned acclaim, I also see an urgent need to move beyond a handful of iconic narratives. So let us continue to add our voices, perspectives, and unique stories. Let us give one another the gift of our diversity, and in doing so, reveal our shared dignity.” Amen and amen. 

You matter, friend. Your story matters. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story.

Connecting with Dan: 






Episode Sponsor: Tony Crabtree of Crabtree Homes with Exit Realty 

Home buyer guide: http://bit.ly/buyersguidecrabtreehomes

Seller guide: http://bit.ly/sellerguidecrabtreehomes






Taylor University 

Middlemarch - George Elliot 

The Animal Family - Randall Jarrell 

List of Autistic traits (a generally more compassionate list, vs. one like this)





Schizophrenia // https://addictionrehabtreatment.com/mental-health/schizophrenia/

“Atypical” (show on Netflix)

“Temple Grandin”


Chinua Achebe - Things Fall Apart 

Onondaga Nation 

Lacrosse Team 

The mass graves at former residential schools (up to over 6,000 bodies found now)

“Hotel Rwanda”

Don Cheadle 

“Just Mercy” and Bryan Stevenson 


“Schindler’s List” 

Russ Ramsey’s book The Passion of the King of Glory 


The Relief Journal 

Scripture References:

Full list of Jesus teaching through story aka His parables

John 4- The woman at the well

Psalm 139:14- We are uniquely and wonderfully made 

Acts 15- (pretty much the whole book of Acts) The early Church where Gentiles and Jews were learning how to follow Christ together

2 Corinthians 12:8-10- God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness 

John 13:35 / 1 John 4:7-12- 1 John 4:19, We’re called to love everyone 

Matthew 22:36-40 / Galatians 5:14- The law can be summed up in Love God and love your neighbor

Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9, Luke 7: 36-50, John 12:1-8- The woman who anoints Jesus’ feet 

Mark 16 (This contains the Great Commission, but I mean to say Mark 14 on the podcast. Whoops!)

Revelation 7:9-10- Every tribe, nation, tongue, will say Jesus is Lord 

Exodus 7:7- How old Moses was when he began to walk in His calling 

John 2:13-16- Turn over tables in Jesus’ name

Connecting with Emily and Simply Stories Podcast:
Instagram (Em life // Podcast Life)

*Intro and Outro music is from audionautix.com