Episode 81 :: Patrick Prill :: Questions on Science and Suffering, and the Answers found in the Power of the Gospel


Today, we're starting a 4 week mini-series that intentionally looks at the role of questions and faith, and the art of wrestling, seeking, and the answers found in Christ.

Today, we’re starting a 4 week mini-series that intentionally looks at the role of questions and faith, and the art of wrestling, seeking, and the answers found in Christ. Today, I’m chatting with author Patrick Prill who has recently released a book called Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense, and it examines many of the popular, and particularly scientific claims made by notable modern atheists and agnostics. 

During our conversation, Patrick and I unpack the various scientific and non spiritual schools of thought, as well as the understandable and heartbreaking questions many wrestle with about God’s goodness and suffering, and then how all of it stands up to the nuances of who God is, and seeking His heart in the midst of all the broken. This conversation is a powerful learning opportunity, a rallying cry for those who confess to know Christ, and a call to take all that we see, hear, and seek to the foot of the cross. I hope you lean into this conversation, no matter where you are in your faith. You and your questions are welcome here. 

This Easter season is one like no other. We are well into a year of a global pandemic, and people are HURTING. There is suffering, tension, questions and accusations overflowing from every direction, and honestly, there is much about where we are that mirrors where Christ put on skin and came to Earth. And yet He came anyway. He chose to die anyway. And He chose to rise again. He can take our questions, because ultimately He is the answer. 

Wherever you are this holy week, I hope and pray that you know how much you matter to the Lord. He came for you. He died for you. He rose from the dead for you. And if you choose Him too, He will give you more than you could ever ask for or imagine, even if and when you continue to wrestle on this side of Heaven. He is risen, friend. He is risen indeed. You matter. Your story matters. 

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Bowden Wyatt 

Dallas Theological 

Texas Christian 

Richard Dawkins


Stephen Hawking

If the Earth is off a degree….

Scientific materialism


Edward Hubble the universe is expanding

-”Contact”- her moment of knowing we’re not alone

-The Bible Recap 

-Friedrich Nietzsche


-Spiritual Gifts test :)

-My church’s sermon series on spiritual gifts 

-Maundy Thursday 

-30 years old is when Jewish Priests began to serve and it began with ceremonial washing

Scripture References:

-1 Peter 2 - “We’re all supposed to be in the game (called to minister)

-2 Timothy 1:14- Guard the deposit entrusted to you

-1 Peter 4:10- we’re called to use our gifts

-the Romans road

-Romans 3:22-24- there is sin and we need a Savior

-Exodus 9 - Pharaoh's hard heart, warnings given when the plagues were coming 

-Galatians 5:13 / Joshua 24:15 / Mark 8:34 / Philippians 1:21- we have been given choices 

-Mark 4:35-41- crying out to God in the storm “don’t you care if we die?”

-Luke 15:11-32- The prodigal son parable

-Mark 16:15- we are invited to share the Gospel

-2 Timothy 3:16-17-we are equipped with resources to share the Gospel 

-1 Timothy 2 Matthew 5:44- , pray for EVERYONE

-Proverbs 3:3-4-be faithful with those who are around you 

-Luke 16:10- he who is faithful in little, is faithful in much 

-Ephesians 4:1- live a life worthy of your calling

-Mark 12:30-31-love the Lord your God, and love your neighbor as yourself

-Matthew 26:17-29,Mark 14:12-25,Luke 22:7-30,John 13:18-30,John 13:1-17,John 13:31-35 - the last supper 

-Matthew 26:36-43- Jesus goes and prays His guts out and His friends left Him

-Luke 13:33; Matthew 16:21; Matthew 17:22; Mark 8:31-Jesus made the call- 3 days from now, I’m going to rise from the dead

-John 6:38/John 10:10-  Jesus came down to get us

-Ephesians 4:22-25- We receive citizenship in Heaven

-1 Corinthians 1:30 /  We receive His righteousness

-Acts 2:38-39-We receive the Holy Spirit 

-John 16:33- in this world you will have trouble

-Isaiah 53- He was the suffering servant

-Hebrews 4:15- He is a High Priest that can sympathize 

-Luke 9:58- the Son of Man had no place to lay his head

-Mark 3:31-34-struggle between Him and His earthly brothers and sisters

-Luke 22 - one of His closest friends is the one who sold Him out

-Matthew 3:13-17-Jesus’ baptism

-Matthew 3:16/Acts 10:38- the Holy Spirit anointed Jesus 

-Matthew 4:1/Luke 4:1- the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness

-Galatians 5:22-23- the fruits of the Spirit 

-Romans 5:5- processing things through a lens of hope

-Exodus 13:21- led by the literal presence of God by fire and dust 

-Acts 1- the followers come down from the Mount of Olives with an huge mission 

-Acts 2:14-36-120 witnesses listening to Peter’s sermon

-1 Corinthians 15:6 - Jesus appeared to 500 people after His resurrection

-Romans 1:14-17-the power of salvation to those who believe 

-1 John 3:16, John 15:13-  they laid down their lives for each other 

-Acts 2:4- the tongue of fire falls on men and women to speak another language 

-Genesis 11:1-9-pre- tower of Babel

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*Intro and Outro music is from audionautix.com