Episode 58 :: Pastor Nick Person :: Stories of Pursuing Christ, Unity, and Reconciliation


Today on the podcast you get to hear from the hilarious and incredibly profound Pastor Nick Person. Nick is a Father, a husband, and a teaching pastor at New Vision Baptist Church in our local community.

I have this video linked in the show notes below, but I wanted to be sure and include it separately. This video explain systemic racism SO clearly to me, when I couldn’t understand it or see it before. Its 4 minutes long, and its worth every minute.

Systemic racism affects every area of life in the US. From incarceration rates to predatory loans, and trying to solve these problems requires changes in maj...

Today on the podcast you get to hear from the hilarious and incredibly profound Pastor Nick Person. Nick is a Father, a husband, and a teaching pastor at New Vision Baptist Church in our local community. He is a man who loves the Lord and the Word of God, and in this episode, there is so much meat, that I would definitely call it a note taker of equal amounts of challenge and encouragement. 

Nick shares an incredible word about the ministry of being a husband and a Father, and then he also unpacks what that role looks like as the head of a bi-racial family during a time of racial unrest. We also talk about the painful, but somewhat necessary refinement that 2020 has brought, and the Gospel-centered call for reconciliation and pursuing unity as the body of Christ no matter what we look like, how we vote, or anything that makes us different because we are all made by the Father, saved by the Son and filled with the Holy Spirit. 

This is one power packed conversation, y’all, and listen if you don’t have time to hear it all, fast forward if you have to and get to the last 10 or 15 minutes where Nick talks about what is true about God, and true about you and I no matter what happens on Election Day. Then, Nick leaves us all with a blessing and a prayerful petition for the hearts of those chasing after God’s Kingdom. 

Nick says,“you don’t have to think like me, and vote like me to sit at the table of the King with me.” And I want to sit at the table with you, friend. This conversation is an incredibly profound Gospel-centered perspective about how to walk in these coming days leading to the election, but even more so in the after, and I’m honored and humbled to share it with you.


*This episode was sponsored by : Tony Crabtree of Crabtree Homes with Exit Realty






-New Vision Baptist Church (I LOVE this church. It feels like a second home to us, as we have tons of friends that attend there, but their preschool program has marked our children forever, and we love them so much!)

-Video about systemic racism 

-Civil Rights Movement

-Ahmad Arbury

-George Floyd 

-MLK’s Letters from Birmingham Jail :: -”I long for the days when the Church would be a thermostat that would set the temperature of society, instead of being a thermometer that records what society is.”

-Be the Bridge- Latasha Morrison

-Breonna Taylor

-injustice anywhere, messes with justice everywhere (MLK)

-Phil Herndon’s episode

- “check your heart”  (not bc I support Crist, for the record, but because this is funny annnnd true)

-Jesus Storybook Bible --God’s great rescue plan 

-Our Advent series with my Daddy reading the Christmas story

-”Reckless Love” 

Scripture References:

Psalm 33:18-22-obedience to the Spirit

Hebrews 12:1-2-fix your eyes on Jesus 

Ephesians 2:14-18-reconciled one to another

Ephesians 1:11-14-carrying the hope of glory

2 Corinthians 4:7-9 -being jars of clay 

Matthew 6:10-on Earth as it is in Heaven

2 Corinthians 5:18-I have been reconciled to the King 

John 8:1-11 (just as one example)-Jesus kind of bothered everyone (called the sinners to more, called the religious out to walk the talk)

James 1:19-quick to listen and slow to speak 

Mark 12:30-31-love the Lord your God, THEN love your neighbor as yourself

1 Corinthians 12:12-31- unity in the Body of Christ

John 12:42-There were Pharisees that followed Christ

Romans 14:11 / Philippians 2:10-11 -every knee will bow and every tongue will confess

Colossians 3:12-17 Therefore as God’s chosen people clothes yourselves with…

2 Timothy 3:10-17-apprenticeship to Christ

2 Corinthians 5:20-ambassadors of Christ

Acts 11:19 / Acts 17:6 -the church started with people scattered under persecution, and yet the world was changed

John 14-God is a triune God

Hebrews 10:25-it is good to gather together

Mark 2-the guys tearing the roof off to get their friend to Jesus 

-the AMP translation of Colossians 3:12-16 :: patience --“which has the power to endure whatever injustice or unpleasantness comes, with good temper”

1 Corinthians 12-we all have gifting 

Romans 12:15-18-weep with those who weep

2 Corinthians 2:15-gives off the aroma of Christ

John 11-Mary, Martha and Lazarus

John 11:25-He is the resurrection and the life

Genesis 11:7-confuse your tongue like Babel

1 Corinthians 1:10-  be united in mind and thought

1 Corinthians 1:10-31 :: one of you says I’ll follow this person, and I’ll follow this person and the rest of the letter is about following Christ

Acts 15:36-41 -Paul, Barnabas, and Mark and their disagreement

Matthew 18:15-17-When in conflict, go to your brother 

Hebrews 13:14-This world is not our home 

2 Timothy 4:11-Mark comes to Paul in prison near the end of his life

Ephesians 6:16-when the arrows come

John 6:29-called to believe in the One He sent

Psalm 139:14-perfectly and wonderfully made

Ephesians 6:11-stand firm against the schemes of the Devil

Psalm 139:23-search me and try me, Lord

Matthew 2-the wise men followed the Star to Herod’s palace first. They weren’t lost, they followed the light to where they were led. 

Hebrews 10:23 - hold steadfast 

Romans 5:8 /1 John 3:2 / 1 John 4:9-11we are loved by the King

Matthew 28:6 / Luke 24:5-the tomb is empty

Ephesians 2 / Romans 6:23-our biggest need, our debt, has been paid in full and there is no balance

1 Peter 5:7/ John 3:16 -Jesus is fond of you

Philippians 2:1-11-Jesus left His crown in Heaven and came to get His hands dirty so we could be made clean

Luke 15:11-32-We have a Father who comes running

Hebrews 13:8-He’s the same yesterday, today and forever

Exodus 3:14-He is the “I Am”

John 14:26-God gave us a Helper in Holy Spirit 

Proverbs 9:10-the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Acts 2:21-all who call on Him will be saved

John 15:15-We can call Him friend

Connecting with Nick Person:

Hear him preach



Visit his church, New Vision Baptist

Connecting with Emily and Simply Stories Podcast:
Instagram (Em life // Podcast Life)

*Intro and outro music by music by audionautix.com