The Keeper of Psalm 121


This morning, I had a literal come to Jesus in my kitchen. Last night, I found myself so overwhelmed with fears and feelings of failure that I was a wrecked mess on my couch. When kids were safely delivered to their schools and programs and what not, I found myself in the exact space God meant for me to be in today. “It just so happened” that my time in At His Feet, Psalms study today was Psalm 121, where when I read the lines about looking for help and of God being my Keeper I just began to weep and weep and weep.

I read about how this particular Psalm is a psalm of ascent which was corporately sung by the Hebrew people as they made the treck to Jerusalem several times of year for various festivals and such. The journey was not a safe nor easy one. But they sang this truth to their own hearts and to their fellow sojourners as they walked on. I love what Chris says in her commentary on verse 7, which reads: “The Lord will keep you from all harm – He will watch over your life.” Chris shares this: “Even with this declaration of keeping us from evil, the psalmist is not claiming an exemption from pain, struggle, or even death. What the writer knows is that there is an evil worse than any conflict, person, or circumstance. It is more ruinous than agony or death itself. Indefinite separation from God is the ultimate evil; it is the worst thing that can happen to us. It is the ultimate trouble. And of this we can be sure: God keeps the psalmist, and us, from this terminal evil. The one who built the world never takes a break from attending to us. There is no exception, pause, or lapse in His care. And therefore there is not a moment when we can be disconnected from Him. Instead, His presence, attendance, and attention is as real as the mountains the psalmist is considering.”

If that is a word you needed today, friend, then taste it and see that it is good. I’m so grateful that Hope and Chris of At His Feet Studies, sang this over me today, I now sing it over you, I write it down in this beautiful battling anxiety journal from Well Watered Women and I pray that if it blessed you, YOU sing it over yourself, someone else and Let us not forget the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, dear ones.

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