Simply Serve


As we approach the holidays, there is so much running through each of our minds about the places we'll go, the people we may or may not see, and all the emotions that accompany such things. As our hearts become more tender to what it is to be human, a great opportunity presents itself to give attention to how we can bless those that are in situations outside of what we can understand.

​This comes from the heart of the question my friend Dorena Williamson (our most recent podcast guest!) asks the readers of one of her books GraceFull. She asks:

How does God show grace to you? How can you share it with others?

With that in mind, I've put together a list of a few ways to do that locally in the Middle Tennessee area, as well as nationally and internationally:

1) Project615 is a Nashville area apparel company that is passionate about giving back to the community. When you purchase one of their “Consider Others First” shirts, it gives FIVE meals to a homeless person in Nashville via, The Bridge. They also have a clothing drive for the homeless where you can bring items to their local store and receive a discount on other Project615 apparel. You can find that info here.

2) The Bridge in Nashville that ministers to the homeless on Tuesday nights.

3) The corner standing friends usually sell for The Contributor whose mission is: “The Contributor creates economic opportunity with dignity by investing in the lives of people experiencing homelessness and poverty” If you see them, say hello and buy a paper for $1!

4) Nashville Rescue Mission does good work to help those in housing transition.

5) Last Call 4 Grace in Murfreesboro (they also partner with Rescue 1 Global who are part of the fight against sex trafficking.)

6) Green House Ministries and Murfreesboro Rescue Mission

7) Amelia’s Closet in Murfreesboro is a company whose mission is: “Providing professional apparel & hope to deserving women as they open the employment door.” They work to equip women and fight against poverty, homelessness, trafficking and more. “We want to help women feel valued, confident, and hopeful as they soar to new heights.” (AMEN!)

8) Open Doors USA and Voice of the Martyrs: These organizations serve persecuted Christians all over the world. For just $7 you can provide a Bible to a persecuted Christian or go through their gift catalog to find ways to aid workers on the ground and the people they are serving. Through VOM, there are lots of options for how you can help, but specifically for this time of year, for $30 you can send a Christmas Care Package for children who are being persecuted for their faith in other parts of the world. You can also do this in honor of someone else as a gift. For that same cost ($30) you can provide five Bibles where it is either illegal or near impossible for a Christian to access a Bible on their own. In the U.S. we take something so small like owning a Bible for granted, but we don’t live under censorship and reading the stories of people who literally smuggle Bibles and how its changed lives because they were able to get the Word of God into the hands of persecuted Believers blows me away. A free opportunity to serve is to write letters to those who are imprisoned for their faith. Find ways to do that through VOM here, and to do so through Open Doors USA here.

9) USPS has set up a system where you can adopt a child from a low income area’s letter to Santa.

10) Compassion International is passionate about partnering with local communities all around the world to rescue children from poverty. You can absolutely sponsor a child, (which is such an incredible gift, let me tell you), but there are also ways to give one time and provide some very practical gifts for children and families alike. For $40 or less, you can purchase things like animals that will help provide for families, textbooks and safe playground equipment, newborn care where there is none, and so much more.

We cannot solve all the problems in the world, but we can make a difference in one small way that could impact somebody's world. And that, my friends, is worth doing and celebrating.