Episode 3 :: Simply Stories Podcast :: Lynn H. Blackburn


Episode 3 is here and my conversation is with Lynn H. Blackburn who is an incredibly talented Christian Fiction author as well as a wife and a Mom to three kids, 1 of which has special needs. During our talk, Lynn gives us a window into what it looks like for her to trust God with her life, her children and her calling. 

As I started really praying through and dreaming about what the Lord would have for this podcast, I thought a lot about how we are all gifted with stories and gifted with languages to tell those stories in whatever spheres of influence we live in and I wanted to explore the varied ways in how God uses creative people to do this work. And I feel like my conversation Lynn is the perfect place for us to really go deeper into unpacking that. Lynn pulls back the veil for us on what it is like to use her God given creativity and imagination in order to bring Him glory, invite people to know Him more and how God uses that to impact the Kingdom. 

God began his church at Pentecost not by Having us all speak the same language again but by the able to understand one another about in different languages, and I loved talking with Lynn about how God uses these unique giftings and languages to better understand one another, and to point each other to Him and to spread His Word. I also loved her insight about walking in your calling not by your grit or your might, but by pressing in to His strength, His provision, the beauty of asking for help, and how we have got to be willing to process advice as descriptive not prescriptive and that was such a powerful word to me and I felt such a sense of freedom after I heard it!  

I think my absolute favorite thing about the journey of podcasting is getting to hear about the unique activity of God in other people’s lives. It makes me want to draw closer to the Lord and to be more aware of His movement in all the ways He’s given people to reveal beauty and truth in such a messy world. And let me tell you something, friend, this is true about you too. You are made with a unique gift, that this world needs and your story matters.

If you’re interested in any of the resources that we mentioned in our episode, her newest book, that’s been out for a couple of weeks now, called One Final Breath, the others in the Deep Divers series, and even how to access that extra chapter she talked about, you can find links to all of it below!


Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome

Redeeming Love- Francine Rivers

Lynn H. Blackburn’s Deep Divers Facebook Group

Wild Kratts





Writer’s Police Academy 

Lynn’s Harlequin Books

Lynette Eason

Audio Books of the Deep Diver series


Sign up for Lynn’s newsletter to receive the extra chapter she mentioned about going undercover with Anissa and Gabe 


Exodus 31

Luke 12:27

Psalm 8:3-4

Acts 2

Psalm 16:5-6

Philippians 1:6

2 Corinthians 12:9

Exodus 17:8-16

Connecting with Lynn:

Lynn’s Deep Diver Series: Book 1, Book 2, Book 3






*A few different articles/thoughts about how we process fiction characters:

-article on how fiction characters impact our brains

-The sciencey stuff in our brains

-It was a book (not a study, as I mentioned in the episode) by linguist Umberto Ecco, that Shawn told me about how the brain processes things. 

-And one solid bunny trail that made my History nerd heart REALLY happy: Why We Need to Study History (with major quotes from our Umberto Ecco)

-Lecture on variations of this topic from Umberto Ecco

--- I know, I know, dear one, I hear you, that not all of these sources are written from a Christian worldview, but the conversation and the processing is fascinating, and we must remember that our Maker can and does reveal Himself through all kinds of creative means. xo

*Some of the links to books are affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I’m so grateful for your support!

Emily Humphries